jim kitchen dot ca
About Window
About Window

What I Do

Coding macOS

Oil and Gas Project Management

Operations Management Systems Consultant

Technical Writer

HTML 5 Design

Residential Design

Large Format [8 x 10] Film - Greyscale Photgraphic Artist

About Me

I am active with macOS programming, creating several desktop and responsive mobile device applications with the [SWIFT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE].

I am also involved with Oil and Gas projects, where the projects require analytical support complete with computer applications, material component balancing, chromatographic analysis, facility forensic auditing, technical writing, and Operation Managemnt System (OMS) documentation control.

To keep my mind active while I am not at work, I capture large format black and white landscape and portrait images with my 8X10 field view camera, where I have more than sixty (60) colllections around the world from Beijing to Paris. I provide educational lectures to illustrate my darkroom processes.

Post Date: 01-01-2002 | Return